Modern video games are created using a variety of programming languages as well as developers’ proprietary engines. These technologies are based on mathematics. The basic laws of exact science allow the creation of scripts, visual effects. Many professional cyber athletes, as well as amateur gamers, do not think about the relevance of mathematical formulas.
Visual component of modern single and online games are textures of high quality, animation, three-dimensional character models. 3D-modeling technology is developed taking into account mathematical concepts such as: vectors, matrices.

The knowledge is used by programmers to create realistic lighting, believable three-dimensional models of people, animals. Similar technologies are used in the development of video slots – entertainment at online casinos Gambling games acquire features similar to the rating titles with multimillion-dollar budgets.
Artificial intelligence
The games use mathematical principles, as far as non-player characters – NPCs. This manifests itself in the gameplay when the player interacts with the NPC – controlled by a program. The laws of logic, as well as certain regularities, are the basis of the technology.

Features of non-player characters and computing algorithms:
-React to player action. Characters interact with the user: respond, perform an action. This is due to the laws of algorithms and logic.
-Scripts. NPCs’ actions are explained by the work of a script, which was originally programmed by the developer. This means that the character can not make an independent decision.
-Task. Characters serve a specific purpose in the game, as well as being primary or secondary.
There are non-player characters that are not controlled by the script, but by a representative of the development team. This approach is used in online projects.
Calculation and analysis of data
Mathematics in computer games remains an effective tool in the collection of analytical information. Data is needed to fix software bugs, bugs, improve the performance of the game on weak devices.
Mathematical models are added to automate the process of collecting information. This allows to speed up the work, as well as to avoid the drawback of the human factor. Modern technology is also used to analyze information when complaints and reports of different types are automatically categorized.
Developers thus work with the prepared material, which concerns the stability of the game on different systems. Calculations are based on basic mathematical laws. Without the use of formulas, the system would not work correctly.
Physical laws are used in most modern and classic game projects. This allows for a realistic gameplay experience. Most games with high scores on aggregators are made with an emphasis on realism – the laws of physics, nature.
Realism manifests itself in features such as:
-First-person shooters. Projects reliably recreated the principle of firearms and throwing weapons. This is due to the physical laws of motion, energy.
-Simulators. The most complex game projects, if we consider the issue in terms of physical laws. The authors are working to reliably recreate the movement of objects. Players are convinced of realism, which concerns the geometric shapes of objects: trees, mountains.
-The genre of sci-fi games. With the appropriate setting developers have to use the laws of physics, which are associated with the movement of objects in space. Accounted for the behavior of the body in weightlessness, the influence of gravity.
Physics in the games and refers to the destruction. There are several projects, which thoroughly implemented the destruction of objects: boxes, furniture, buildings, glass and other materials. The impact of a bullet of a firearm on an object is studied.
In racing physical laws are associated with damage to the car, with the impact of high speed on the object. In modern car simulators, vehicles “react” to the road surface, to the level of wheel inflation, to the weather conditions, and to the shape of the exterior elements of the car body.
Mathematics in games is the basis for the correct operation of scripts, item physics, and behavioral algorithms. Without the benefits of exact science, project development would take dozens of times longer, as well as require a lot of human resources. The use of mathematical formulas has made it possible to automate the process of improving games, eliminating bugs and errors.